Environmental / Biochemical Engineering
EMC is an environmental engineering firm offering a wide range of interrelated services. Please feel free to click on the different services listed below for more information, regulatory guidances and forms, or other applicable pages. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.
Services Offered:
Present Licenses, Memberships and Certificates:
PE Oregon (42650PE)
PE New Mexico (18649)
NCEES Records (33141)
NFA Incident Commander
Hazardous Materials Specialist
Operations First Responder
Asbestos Building Inspector (EPA)
ASTM General and Committee Member (1321325)
Western Dredge Association Member
Registered Geologist
Certified Irrigation Design
Fundamentals Engineer
Past Licenses, Memberships and Certificates
VP & Senior Member of SME
S. Oregon Chapter
IEE Senior Member
UST Decommissioning, Installation, Soil Matrix Analyses
Cathodic Protection and Pressure Testing
Monitoring Well Constructor
Oregon Environmental Laboratory member and president
Owner of two licensed environmental laboratories
Oregon Environmental Laboratory Accreditation (OR 160018)
Continuing Education Units detail is available for review via NCEES records